Inform the applicant about the salary offered and her requirements such as time, tasks etc. It is important for her to be aware of these details before being hired and to state her claims as well. Enjoy to talk about the days off.
Choose calmly, without precipitation. If you are unsure about any of the candidates, it is best to trust your intuition and select other candidates for further interviews. Start over and make the best choice possible.
Tools that make working in the garden easier
Mistress has to be Mistress
There are two very common negative extremes in the relationship between employer and employer: some employers are arrogant and authoritarian, while others are too “loose”. To reach the ideal level, balance is the keyword. With the cleaning services etobicoke you can come up with the best deals.
You need your housekeeper to take care of your home, and she needs the job to secure her salary at the end of the month. So nothing is fairer than each one fulfilling their obligations and cultivating a pleasant relationship, especially because no one deserves a tense atmosphere at work, or bad service.
Tips for becoming a balanced boss:
Never raise your voice or treat your housekeeper offensively. If you haven’t done it yet, you may someday slip into your own work, and you won’t like it if your boss treats you badly.
Create rules, but make them easier to enforce. You can make your maid’s performance a lot easier if you make a short service guide at home. Write about things you consider important, such as the right way to hang clothes on the clothesline, how to organize clothes in the closet, or when to clean the refrigerator, etc. Little reminders scattered around the house will also be helpful, at least during your maid’s adjustment period.
- If this is important to you, set times and be firm in keeping to them.
- Do not turn a blind eye. Correct your housekeeper whenever a job is done wrong. Being dissatisfied with the quality of services just not having to get her attention is not a good option. But be polite and patient when correcting it.
- Just like you, your housekeeper may have problems at home, whether with health or with children. Be flexible.
Do not delay the salary. It is your right to demand that housework be performed in a quality and your own way, but it is also your obligation to pay your housekeeper on time.
Those who work abroad know that it is difficult to keep the house always organized, especially when you have children. It’s laundry to wash, bathroom to clean, floor to sweep and that’s when the ideal is to turn to a maid. If you have referrals from friends, it’s easier, but if that’s not your case, the way is to go to an agency that specializes in hiring these professionals.