Opening the lock is not too difficult. They don’t usually use them in the apartment, but in Dacha, garages, and other places that an expert can’t always get to quickly often. Find an antenna 10 to 15 cm long, bend your head and level it with a heavy object a hammer or a stone. You will also need a thin flat cable, 5-7 cm long. Lock the antenna well, touch its diameter. It is necessary to support it with your finger so that the spring is a little tense. Place the wires inside the spring and roll as you turn the key to the lock. The lock opens and remains intact. You can take the help of the alabaster locksmith there.
Cylinder lock
But a cylinder lock installed on the door of the apartment and the gate can cause trouble. You have to deal with it because it is quite difficult to unlock such a locking device smartly and requires certain skills. Therefore, the coarse opening method is most often used:
- powerful electric drills and drills for iron
- thick flat screwdriver and hammer
First you need to install a screwdriver in the lock and push it in with a hammer, then turn it into a pit. If the lock cylinder is rolling, you need to pull the screwdriver and remove the “stuffing” secret. The door should then open. If this does not happen, you must use a drill. We insert the drill of the required size, guide it into the lock and start drilling. Do not push too hard so that the slots and slots of the secret do not get caught in the drill and do not break it. As soon as the secret is done, you can pull out the caterpillar. The huge minus of these methods without damage is not enough. When the door is open, you need to replace either the lock cylinder or the lock itself. But it is better than a locked apartment anyway.
- And so in the future, this situation will overtake you, try to take precautions handle the locks carefully and carefully, keep a bunch of spare keys for your neighbors or close relatives, but even if that doesn’t help, don’t panic and remember: experts always help you open the door!
- Opening the door is divided into two categories: criminal and domestic. Obviously, in the event of a key being lost or stolen, opening the door lock and urgently replacing it is the most sensible step to prevent unauthorized entry.
- By asking how the door is opened, a good and honest person guides good goals, but in no way for criminal reasons.
Last Words
The basic knowledge of opening iron fabrics is useful when you can’t get home because of key theft, or circumstances like a fire or a flood of neighbors force you to turn to open the door.