The fireplace in the interior of a modern home has become almost an integral part of it. The charm of this element is that, depending on its performance, there is the opportunity to choose the perfect option for any style of room. Of course, the lucky owners of their own houses were more fortunate in this regard – they have the opportunity to equip a real fireplace in the room, and, if desired, not in one, and enjoy the pleasant crack of logs and the dance of this flame. The use of the Cast Stone Fireplace is important here.
The contemplation of a living fire really fascinates, pacifies and allows you to quietly pass the time. Needless to say, how much more cozy and comfortable it becomes in a room lit only by the light from the fire. But what should residents of ordinary apartment buildings who also want to fill their house with the heat of a real fireplace do? The answer is very simple – do not give up your desires and go to buy an electric fireplace. It remains only to figure out how to choose an electric fireplace, and what is important to pay attention to.
- Design of electric fireplaces
The huge popularity of electric fireplaces is due not only to their mobility, but also to the possibility of safe operation within an ordinary apartment. To get the opportunity to enjoy a fairly realistic flame, you do not have to build complex and rather heavy stone portals, think through the ventilation system and chimney. You don’t even need to think about it, since arranging a real fireplace in an apartment is simply impossible due to many prohibitions. An exception may be the extreme floors, the owners of which, with due persistence and the availability of considerable funds, can still obtain permission to carry out all the required work.
But why complicate everything so if you can buy a finished product? In fact, the electric fireplace is nothing more than a climatic technique, which is designed not only to decorate and diversify the interior, but also to warm the room. It is also important to understand that there are models that include only a decorative function and require minimal energy consumption. All these nuances depend on the design of the device, which we recommend that you carefully study. The use of the Cast Stone Fireplace Surround is essential here.
Among the variety of models, you can find two structural elements:
Directly the fireplace center itself, which consists of a firebox and a protective screen. A similar element can be installed anywhere, but most often such structures are built into pre-equipped niches in the wall.
Or closer to a real fireplace in appearance, a fireplace kit
This design is more complex, overall. In the assembled state, it is a stationary object, which consists of a fireplace, framed by a decorative portal. In fact, you get an already finished product, which remains only to be connected to a power source.
Heat generation during operation, of course, is possible due to the presence of an electric heater. It includes directly a heating element, a temperature regulator and a reflector. Some models are additionally equipped with a fan, due to which the heating occurs by convection. The heating element can be made in the form of:
- Nickel or nichrome wire wound around a ceramic frame.
- Spiral from the same materials, on the same basis.