Our home automation and subsystem integration systems make up the best in residential home automation systems. We provide custom home theatre installations, and we bring together your whole house’s streaming audio and video feeds, controls for lighting/temperature/shade, and security monitoring devices. When you’re not home, you can check how everything is doing in your home so easily.
You can find out if there is water in the basement, follow up on security problems, and see what the temperature in your home. You just need Internet access to access your secure home site. Our integration professionals simplify life for you by putting all your home automation systems in one place. This gives you control over every aspect of your home through one portal and one input device. From one wired or wireless touchscreen, you can change the temperature in any part of the house, play your new favorite song, enjoy a film, check on a security camera, and turn lights on or off.
One of the more common projects that we do is home theater automation. The screen lowers from the ceiling, and a lighting control system lowers the lights. You can adjust the volume from your preset choices. You can choose a DVD stored on a central server from your touch pad and even send the movie to other room sin the house. You can also do the same for music. Just touch “Movie” on the touch panel.
With a residential lighting control system and home automation system, you can prevent having to pay too much for energy. That’s because you can program the lights in your house so that they work with the weather outside, and you can synch lights in your landscape with the astronomical time clock. You can turn lights on or off when you come into or go out of a room, and the automatic shade management system gets rid of having to remember to close the blinds.
With multiple zone HVAC levels, you can also prevent having to pay rising energy expenses, and you can done this from a computer when you’re away from home or from a touch screen when you’re at home. You can preset the temperatures and make your house more energy-efficient. An added benefit is that you can monitor the temperature in a specific room.
Finally, you can integrate a system in your house where you can see and speak with someone at your door from any room. You can do this via a front door camera and mic that send you a way to communicate with the person on the touch screen or a picture-in-picture window on any TV or home theatre screen. You can also bring in Internet cameras to your house network so that you can access it through any TV or PC. Our residential home automation systems make your life easier and more secure. Contact us to learn more.