Are you interested in how faux finish painters transform your home and make it the envy of guests and neighbors? Check out some of the techniques used by these experts.
- Sponging: this is probably the easiest technique that they can use. all they need is a sea sponge, glaze and two or three colors of paint.
The process is simple; after preparing the wall, simply mix the colors, dip your sponge in the mixture and apply randomly to your wall. You could decide to get creative if you want to. The glaze can then be applied to create a subtle effect.
- Rag Rolling: this is a technique that faux finish painters use to create an old leathery look on walls and other compatible surfaces. The process is basically divided into two; the roll on and the roll off.
The Roll On: this is when the rag is made damp and dipped into glaze before it is rolled across the surface of an already prepared wall.
The Roll Off: this is done by rolling a clean roller or swiping a clean brush over the already glazed wall. The aim is for some of the glaze to be randomly removed and thus the desired effect created.
- Marbleizing: this is a more complicated type of faux painting and requires a degree of expertise on the part of the faux finish painter. As the name implies, the aim of the painter is to create a painting illusion that looks very much like real marbles. Asides walls, places where marble faux paint would make a beautiful difference are tabletops, picture frames and fire surrounds amongst others.
- The Strie Techniques: this is otherwise known as the dragging technique. It is known as that because it involves pulling a brush over a glazed wall that has been previously coated with a base coat. This if done efficiently would make your wall appear like its covered with a fabric.
- The Stripe Technique: this is a technique that has stood the test of time by remaining a favorite among many home owners and faux finish painters. This technique much like others gives you the freedom to be completely creative in your designs. You could choose to go vertical, horizontal or diagonal and choose whichever color you want. It is best to always keep it simple though by using at most 4 colors only.
- Antiquing: this is usually used on furniture, cabinetry and the likes. It is used to give them an older than they really are. If done right, it could make your home look like something from the Victorian era if that was your goal.
There are many more techniques that faux finish painters put to use. many of them are complicated and take up a lot of time before they are completed. They are however worth it when you see how much of a transformation your home has undergone with just the use of paint, glaze and a few other tools at the disposal of the faux painters.